About the Rotary Club of Adelaide Central
Overview of a 'Usual' Club Meeting held at 5EBI
Guests regularly visit Adelaide Central Club meetings and are warmly welcomed.
Some guests are visiting Rotarians from other Clubs, including from other States and Countries.
Other guests are non-Rotarians who may be either addressing our club, or considering joining Rotary - coming along simply to meet our team and get a feel for Rotary in general.
Below is the format for a 'usual' lunchtime meeting.
We meet fortnightly on a Thursday at
Multicultural Community Radio Station
5EBI 103.1FM
10 Byron Place - Adelaide
(suggest parking in Gouger Street 2 Hour free street parks)
12.30 : Members start arriving in 5EBI Auditorium
10 Byron Place, Adelaide, South Australia
12.45 : Guests attend the Welcoming Table
12.45 : Rotarians choosing to have lunch pay at Welcoming Table
Entry is $25 including lunch* & a raffle ticket
* please advise of special dietary requirements when booking;
$5 for people choosing not to eat;
Drinks can be purchased from the bar
12.45 : Weekly Raffle tickets available at Welcoming Table
$2 for 1 ticket; $5 for 3 tickets; $10 for 7 tickets
12.55 : Members and Guests make their way to tables
1.00 : Meeting commences
1.00 : Welcome to members and visitors by Master of Ceremonies
1.05 : MC Introduces our President
1.05 : President Welcomes members of Rotary Adelaide Central,
visiting Rotarians and other guests
1.10 : President advises meeting of any notices
- club directors asked to update members of progress on projects
- members offered the opportunity to donate any spare coins they may
have as a means to support the work of the Club and its projects.
1.15 : Lunch is served to those choosing to eat
1.25 : MC addresses Club and introduces our Guest Speaker
1.30 : Guest Speaker addresses club
1.50 : Questions for Guest Speaker from attendees
1.55 : MC gives vote of thanks and hands the meeting back to the President
1.55 : President thanks speaker(s); visiting Rotarians & guests
1.55 : Raffle Drawn by Guest Speaker
2.00 : Meeting closes
2.00 : Many attendees with spare time remain
for a coffee, drink and networking opportunities.
To attend our next meeting, we appreciate RSVP's in advance to help us plan meals and seating. Please telephone (08) 7444 5086 or email RSVP@RotaryAdelaideCentral.org.au