Rotary Club of Adelaide Central Inc Rotary International District 9510 South Australia
(08) 7444 5086

News around Rotary - be Inspired!

To explain the headline if you are not a member of Rotary ... Rotarians are encouraged if away from home to perform "make-ups" when they're not able to attend their own Club meetings or projects / events.

But, in saying this ... it is NOT mandatory. Rather, an incredibly sociable way for our members to make new friends, new connections and enjoy the diversity that exists in different Clubs.

Today, Thursday 3rd October 2024, George Friend from the Rotary Club of Broadwater Southport, located on the Gold Coast in Queensland visited Rotary Adelaide Central ... again! George has actually been a frequent visitor over the years in his regular visits to Adelaide.

On this visit, George found himself in a crazy diverse meeting. So many exciting things happening and planning discussions happening in all directions.

George also brought with him one of his Club's "Banners" to present to our Club. A lovely gesture many Clubs across the world do when Rotarians travel - swap banners as a sign of goodwill.

All visitors to Rotary Adelaide Central are welcomed with gusto. Whether you are a member of Rotary or not .. we'd love to see you drop in to one of our fortnightly Lunchtime meetings (between 1pm and 2pm sharp).

Phone Bill on 0410 523 106 if you'd like any extra info.